Upward Options
Upward Options: CEO’s College/Vocational Technical Preparatory Program
There is a great need to address the services for students in special education who will make the transition to post-secondary education. This can include both two and four year college certifications as well as vocational technical education. Career and Employment Options, Inc. (CEO) has designed a program that focuses on the student needs in addressing post-secondary education and college entrance issues. The function of Upward Options is to support and supplement the role of the Guidance Department and the Special Education Department of districts to effectively address the post-secondary needs of special education students.
Upward Options addresses the transition needs of students with disabilities who are expecting to go to college or other post-secondary options, but have a need for more specific and ongoing training support. While no program can promise that litigation can be averted, Upward Options targets the need for a more specific and ongoing instructional support.
With the expectation of family, school and NYSED that cognitively capable students in special education might be post-secondary education-bound, there is a need for a comprehensive program that meets IDEA and IEP goals. Upward Options provides the appropriate transition supports required under IDEA while students receives instruction in the ancillary skills necessary in post-secondary education.
Upward Options provides the following outcomes for students:
Knowledge and skills to better understand their IEP and support services.
Capacity to better understand and improve their Executive Functioning and Self Determination skills.
Career exploration skills that includes resume/portfolio development and school application assistance.
A Student Exit Summary plan that includes the skills necessary for post- secondary education.
Self Advocacy skills needed for the post-secondary world and development of 504 Awareness and Instruction.
The purpose of Upward Options is to provide the services, through guided practice, to effectively address the post-secondary needs of special education students while not duplicating district services. The Upward Options program develops the metacognitive strategies necessary to utilize the academic skills which are taught and learned in the secondary education level.