when CEO was founded, we intended to become a force in the field of special education. It was based upon our focus on transition and the years of experience in the field of both transition and employment for people with differing abilities.
CEO started with two school districts and we are currently in over 50 school districts across Long Island, New York City and Westchester counties.
CEO received our first ACCES-VR contract serving eight individuals in Job Placement and currently we serve over 150 individuals.
CEO developed an Upward Options program that enables districts to provide a college preparatory program to students. The purpose is to establish student’s meta-cognitive and self-determination skills as well as awareness of the supports available at the post-secondary level.
we broke ground for a web-based curriculum began as a means to address CDOS standards and grew from there. “Career Services for People In & Beyond Special Education” has become the mainstay for CEO staff to address the transition needs for the students we serve. It also acts as a means to provide students and adults with a career service curriculum that assists them in Transition and ACCES-VR services.
we developed our web-based system, Transmetrics, which drove our passion for analytics as well as creating a truly virtual organization. Transmetrics enables CEO staff to create service notes, Job and Task Analysis as well as Industry Standard measurements accessible through their phones, tablets or laptops. Item description
CEO became a major ACCES-VR provider through the Consolidated Rehabilitation Services (CRS) contract which expanded in 2019. We specialize Pre-employment Transition (Pre-ETS) services as well as job placement services, vocational assessment, benefits advisement and other ACCES-VR services.
CEO has become a significant partner and provider of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services for the Town of Oyster Bay and in 2019 the Town of Hempstead through Hempstead Works.
CEO believes that cooperation is the key to transforming problems into solutions. The primary concentration for us at CEO is not the growth of the size of the company, but the growth in the quality we provide. Item description