CEO is now providing PRe-Employment Transition Services (PRe-ETS) through ACCES-VR funding. PRe-ETS include existing ACCES-VR service as well as new services to address the career development needs of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are defined as individuals with disabilities in secondary, post-secondary or other recognized education programs who are ages 16-21. This service will assist students through the provision of pre-employment services with the objective of preparing students for successful long-term employment consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests and informed choice. PRe-ETS Services include:
Post-Secondary Counseling for Students – To provide students with counseling related to education options after high school.
Job Exploration Counseling for Students – to provide students with counseling related to careers options after high school.
Self-Advocacy for Students – To develop self-advocacy skills.
Work Readiness for Students – To enhance career exploration and develop soft skills.
Work-Based Learning Development for Students – To develop an internship, work try-out or work-based learning experience.
Work-Based Learning Development may be used as a stand-alone service.
Work-Based Learning Experience for Students – To assist with paid work experience in instances where the employer is unable to place the student on his/her payroll.
Work-Based Coaching Supports for Students (for employment) – To provide coaching for supports youth engaged in paid work experiences.