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Assessment Services

Our Assessment Programs for students and adults has a mission to enable students and adults to use the results to map their own futures. It is an instrument for districts, students, adults and their families to provide direction for potential career options. Our assessment services are multi-tiered in order to enable our districts to utilize the proper assessment for the specific students need.

Assessment services are designed to help both the client and ACCES-VR counselor develop an appropriate IPE (individualized Plan of Employment) goal. A Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation (DVE) helps in the process of developing an IPE goal as the assessment evaluates an individual’s skills, aptitudes, interests, capacities, work readiness, and functional limitations. It also provides suggested vocational options in keeping with these findings. The assessment can also include an appraisal of the patterns of work behavior of the individual and services needed for the individual to acquire occupational skills and to develop work attitudes, work tolerance, and work related behaviors necessary for successful job performance.

CEO administered its assessments individually or in small groups. CEO utilizes the latest assessment instruments to measure an individual’s academic achievement, aptitudes, cognitive abilities, personality, vocational interests, and sensory/motor skills and compares them to an appropriate sample population.

With ACCES-VR approval, CEO can perform a situational assessment (assesses skills abilities, strengths, barriers and need for support in a competitive work environment) within a community based worksite. This type of assessment gives the individual hands-on experience in an actual worksite allowing direct observations by the evaluator, where independent capability and industry standard are measured. CEO has a number of businesses that are willing to work with an individual to gather data about vocational abilities.